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Admission Open

    ADMISSION FORM 2021-22
    1. I yearII yearIII yearIV yearV year
    2. LLB (Code: 101)BA LLB (Code: 201)
    3. 4. Name of the College: KLE Society's B.V. Bellad Law College, Belagavi.
    4. 5. College Code: 110
    5. MaleFemaleTG
    6. SC / ST (University Fees: Rs. 17,289 /-)General / OBC (University Fees: Rs. 18,089 /-)
    7. YesNo
    8. MarriedUnmarried
    9. If yes, enclose the certificate:
    10. If yes, enclose the NOC from employer:
    11. 20. a) Academic Details: (Only for fresh Admission to L.L.B) - Applicable only for I year (File Size below 1mb)
    12. Sl No Qualification College / Board / University Year of Passing Total Mrks Obtained Max Mrks Per (%) Upload Scanned Docs
      01 10th / Matriculation
      02 II PUC / +2/ Intermediate
      *03 Graduation
      First Year (I, II Sem)
      Second Year (III, IV Sem)
      Third Year (V, VI Sem)
      Fourth Year (VII, VIII Sem)
      * Please specify the degree in s.no.3 of above table (B.A/BSC/B.Com/B.B.A/B.C.A/Others) b)
    13. Academic Details: Only for subsequent year Admissions to L.L.B) - Applicable only for II, III, IV, V year (File Size below 1mb)
    14. Sl No Qualification College Year of Passing Total Marks Obtained Maximum Marks Class / Grade
      01 ___ LL.B
      1st Semester
      2nd Semester
      3rd Semester
      4th Semester
      5th Semester
      6th Semester
      7th Semester
      8th Semester
    16. I hereby declare that I have read and understood the condition of eligibility fot the programme for which I seek admission. I fulfill the minimum eligibilty criteria and I have provided necessary information in this regard. In the event of any information being found incorrect or misleading, my candidature shall be liable to cancellation by the University at any time and I shall not be entitled to refund of any fee paid by me to the University. Further, I have carefully studied and accepted the regulations of the University and shall not raise any dispute in future over the same regulations.