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About K.L.E. Society



KLE is an unique organization managed with selfless motto in the service of the people in unique ways. When seven blessed teachers fondly called “Saptarishis” founded the K.L.E. Society in 1916, they meant to create an educational institution to provide basic literacy to the children of the farming community who were deprived of this basic right. Perhaps, they never imagined what they resolved to create would one day emerge as an educational empire of over 250 institutions of exceptional quality that all other institutions in the country would be judged against it. The KLE achieved success, although success did not come so easily. Financial constraints bitter criticism and humiliations from their adversaries had to be endured. But the noble souls and the philanthropic hands of the leaders of the community while fighting against the gloomy conditions of the British Rule.

Their priceless legacy is a World-Class-Leader of quality education in almost all spheres of human knowledge, notably in Medicine, Engineering, Dental Sciences, Pharmacy, Management, Law, Fashion designing, Hotel Management, IT, Arts, Science, Commerce and so on, today.

The unbelievable growth of an amazing magnitude, catapulting it to over 250 institutions from only 38 institutions in 1984, under the unrivalled leadership of Dr. Prabhakar Kore, rewrites the history of the K.L.E. Society creating excitement among the educationalist worldwide. It has, in fact, baffled the management experts as to the skills and theory with which he carved an educational empire not only of global stature but also global excellence.

Taking health care services door steps of poor, needy and downtrodden people through 2400 beds K.L.E.’s Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital and MRC, Belagavi, including a free treatment in excess of 500 patients, is a gift of K.L.E. to the people in this part of country. The annexes of the hospital have zeroed in on the needs of the people. This unexpected service, besides winning the hearts of the people, has also brought divine status to the K.L.E. Society collaborations and MOU’s with a few nations across world have opened channels of western benefits to our students, teachers and other beneficiaries alike, proportionally. It has offered our country’s expertise to other nations in appreciable quantity.

Democratic management, scientific approach in administration endeared the members of the trust, general public and the government too. Transparency in financial and resource management is the envying feature of KLE.

With global acceptance, and in house co-ordination and total quality management the KLE stands singularly unique.